Invite Keys
Invite keys are used by Chat API for public blockchain account resolution.
When we are creating claims describing a chat invite key we must use the following mandatory fields in the jwt:
- iat - timestamp when jwt was issued
- exp - timestamp when jwt must expire
- iss - public identity key in form of did:key according to the Ed25519
- sub - public key for chat invite key in form of did:key according to the X25519
- aud - key server URL used for registering
- pkh - corresponding blockchain account (did:pkh)
- act - description of action intent. Must be equal to specific value defined in each claims
Expiry will be calculated 1 hour (3600 seconds) from issued date
Register Invite
When we are validating invite key registration claims we must use specify act:
- act - description of action intent. Must be equal to "register_invite"
Unregister Invite
When we are validating invite key registration claims we must use specify act:
- act - description of action intent. Must be equal to "unregister_invite"