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Client API

Client manages multiple blockchain account at a time. Client listens to multiple topic for invites at a time.

abstract class Client {
// ---------- Methods ----------------------------------------------- //

// initializes the client with persisted storage and a network connection and keyserver URL
public abstract init(params: {
keyserverUrl?: string; //optional. If value not supplied default to
}): Promise<void>;

// exposed IdentityClient.register method
// registers invite key if not yet registered on this client and starts listening on invites if private is false
// returns the public identity key. Method should throw 'signatureRejected' if any errors comes from onSign promise.
public abstract register(params: {
account: string;
private?: boolean;
domain: string,
onSign: (message: string) => Promise<Cacao.Signature>
}): Promise<string>;

// exposed IdentityClient.unregister method
// - must not unregister invite key but must stop listening for invites
public abstract unregister(params: {
account: string;
}): Promise<void>;

// queries the keyserver with a blockchain account
// returns the invite key
public abstract resolve(params: {
account: string;
}): Promise<string>;

// unregisters an invite key from keyserver
// stops listening for invites
public abstract goPrivate(params: {
account: string;
}): Promise<void>;

// registers an invite key if not yet registered on this client from keyserver
// starts listening for invites
// returns the public invite key
public abstract goPublic(params: {
account: string;
}): Promise<string>;

// sends a chat invite
// creates and stores SentInvite with `pending` state
// returns an invite id
public abstract invite(params: {
invite: Invite;
}): Promise<number>;

// accepts a chat invite by id from account specified as inviteeAccount in Invite
// returns thread topic
public abstract accept(params: {
inviteId: number;
}): Promise<string>;

// rejects a chat invite by id from account specified as inviteeAccount in Invite
public abstract reject(params: {
inviteId: string;
}): Promise<void>;

// sends a chat message to an active chat thread from account specified as selfAccount in Thread
public abstract message(params: {
topic: string;
message: string;
media?: Media
}): Promise<void>;

// ping its peer to evaluate if it's currently online
public abstract ping(params: {
topic: string;
}): Promise<void>

// leaves a chat thread and stops receiving messages
public abstract leave(params: {
topic: string;
}): Promise<void>;

// returns all invites matching an inviteeAccount from Invite
// returns maps of invites indexed by id
public abstract getReceivedInvites(params: {
account: string;
}): Promise<Map<number, ReceivedInvite>>

// returns all pending invites matching an inviterAccount from SentInvite
// returns maps of invites indexed by id
public abstract getSentInvites(params: {
account: string;
}): Promise<Map<number, SentInvite>>;

// returns all threads matching an selfAccount from Thread
// returns map of threads indexed by topic
public abstract getThreads(params: {
account: string;
}): Promise<Map<string, Thread>>;

// returns all messages matching a thread's topic / returns array of messages
public abstract getMessages(params: {
topic: string;
}): Promise<[Message]>;

// ---------- Events ----------------------------------------------- //

// subscribe to new chat invites received
public abstract on("chat_invite", ({ invite: ReceivedInvite }) => {}): void;

// subscribe to chat invite being accepted
public abstract on("chat_invite_accepted", ({ topic: string, invite: SentInvite}) => {}): void;

// subscribe to chat invite being rejected
public abstract on("chat_invite_rejected", ({ invite: SentInvite}) => {}): void;

// subscribe to new chat messages received
public abstract on("chat_message", ({ payload: Message }) => {}): void;

// subscribe to new chat thread left
public abstract on("chat_left", ({ topic: string }) => {}): void;