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Blockchain API JSON-RPC

Blockchain RPC API for interacting with different blockchains. You can find the currently supported chains list in SUPPORTED CHAINS.

Supported chains list

This endpoint returns the list of currently supported chains list in JSON format.

GET /v1/supported-chains

Response format:

The response in JSON format contains following objects:

  • http - List of supported chains in CAIP-2 format for HTTP requests.
  • ws - List of supported chains in CAIP-2 format for WebSocket connections.


Calling JSON-RPC operations on the blockchain network.

POST /v1?chainId={chainId}&projectId={projectId}

  • chainId - CAIP-2 chain identifier.
  • projectId - The project identifier.

Request body:

The POST request body should be in JSON-RPC 2.0 specification and blockchain-specific conventions format.

For example to check the address balance:
