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Blockchain API Bundlers interaction

This API provides a bundlers JSON-RPC interaction. The supported userOperation interaction schema is according to v0.7 ERC-4337 specification.

Make a bundler JSON-RPC request

Used to make a JSON-RPC call to the designated bundler.

POST /v1/bundler?projectId={projectId}&chainId={chainId}&bundler={bundlerName}

  • projectId - Required. The project identifier.
  • chainId - CAIP-2 chain identifier.
  • bundlerName - Bundler name to use.

The list of currently supported bundler names:

Request body:

id: number, // Unique identifier. Default is 1.
jsonrpc: string, // JSON-RPC version. Default 2.0
method: string, // ERC-4337 bundler operation methods. Please check supported methods below.
params: string[], // Array of string variables input for the method.

List of supported method values:

  • wallet_getCallsStatus - Returns the status of a call batch that was sent via wallet_sendCalls.
  • wallet_showCallsStatus - Requests that a wallet shows information about a given call bundle that was sent with wallet_sendCalls.
  • eth_sendUserOperation - Send the user operation to the bundler. The v0.7 user operation object is expected.
  • eth_getUserOperationReceipt - Get the receipt for the UserOperation.
  • eth_estimateUserOperationGas - Simulates the user operation and estimates the appropriate gas limits for it.
  • pm_sponsorUserOperation - Endpoint for verifying paymasters.

Success response body:

Successfull response body will contain the following JSON-RPC structure:

id: number, // Unique identifier passed to the operation. Default is 1.
jsonrpc: string, // JSON-RPC version. Default 2.0
result: any // Result object from the operation.

Response error codes:

  • 400 Bad request - Wrong input variables format.