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Client SDK API

abstract class Client {
// ---------- Methods ----------------------------------------------- //

// initializes the client with persisted storage and a network connection
// Calls `wc_notifyWatchSubscriptions` for all previously registered accounts,
// watches for future subscription updates, and subscribes to all notification topics
public abstract init(): Promise<void>;

// send notify subscription
public abstract subscribe(params: {
appDomain: string,
account: string,
}): Promise<boolean>;

// update notify subscription
public abstract update(params: {
topic: string,
scope: string[],
}): Promise<boolean>;

// query notification types available for a dapp domain
public abstract getNotificationTypes(params: {
appDomain: string,
}): Promise<Record<string, NotifyNotificationType>>

// query all active subscriptions
public abstract getActiveSubscriptions(params: {
account: string,
}): Promise<Record<string, NotifySubscription>>;

// Get a paginated list of notifications with the most recently sent first.
public abstract getNotificationHistory(params: {
topic: string,
// Default 10, max 50
limit?: number,
startingAfter?: string,
// Default true
unreadFirst?: boolean,
}): Promise<{
notifications: NotifyNotificationRecord[],
hasMore: boolean,
hasMoreUnread: boolean,

// Mark a set of notifications as read.
public abstract markNotificationsAsRead(params: {
topic: string,
// Max 1000 items
notificationIds: string[],
}): Promise<void>

// Mark all notifications as read.
public abstract markAllNotificationsAsRead(params: {
topic: string,
}): Promise<void>

// delete active subscription
public abstract deleteSubscription(params: {
topic: string,
}): Promise<void>;

// decrypt notify subscription message
public abstract decryptNotification(params: {
topic: string,
encryptedMessage: string,
}): Promise<NotifyNotification>;

// Generates and returns incomplete CacaoPayload
// To be handled in recaps based authentication.
// This enables one-click-auth based authentication to
// also enable permissions for notify API.
public abstract prepareRegistrationWithRecaps(params: {
domain: string;
allApps?: boolean;
}): Promise<{
allApps: boolean;
cacaoPayload: CacaoPayload
privateIdentityKey: string

// Generates and returns SIWE message along with
// Cacao Payload with identity key
public abstract prepareRegistration(params: {
account: string;
domain: string,
// Defaulted to false if not passed
allApps?: boolean,
}): Promise<{
registerParams: NotifyRegistrationParams,
message: string

// "Logs in" this client to notifications for the specified account. This involves:
// - Verifies signature by reconstructing formatted message using provided payload
// - Expected payload comes from prepareRegistration
// - Once verified, registers the identity key on the keyserver
// - Calls `wc_notifyWatchSubscriptions`, watches for future subscription updates, and subscribes to all notification topics
// Returns the Identity Key public key.
public abstract register(params: {
registerParams: NotifyRegistrationParams,
signature: string;
}): Promise<string>;

// Returns true if account has a valid and up to date registration, false otherwise
public abstract isRegistered(params: {
account: string,
// Defaulted to false if not passed
allApps?: boolean,
domain: string
}): boolean

// "Logs out" this client from any notifications for the specified account. This involves:
// - Stops periodically calling `wc_notifyWatchSubscriptions` and unsubscribes from all related relay topics
// - Unregisters the Identity Key and removes it from local storage
// This is not to be confused with `deleteSubscription()` method
public abstract unregister(params: {
account: string;
}): Promise<Void>;

// ---------- Events ----------------------------------------------- //

// for updates from watch subscriptions
public abstract on("notify_subscriptions_changed", (result: Record<string, NotifySubscription>) => {}): void;

// for wallet to listen for notify subscription created
public abstract on("notify_subscription", (result: NotifySubscription | Error) => {}): void;

// for wallet to listen on notify notification
public abstract on("notify_notification", (notification: NotifyNotificationRecord, metadata: Metadata) => {}): void;

// for wallet to listen for result of notify subscription update
public abstract on("notify_update", (result: NotifySubscription | Error) => {}): void;

// for wallet to listen on notify deletion
public abstract on("notify_delete", (topic: string) => {}): void;